Power Rangers Network

Full Version: An explanation to what's going on with PRO Board
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Sorry for the downtime. Some hackers infiltrated our webspace and used it to send spam emails. This caused our site to get blacklisted and have database errors. That's why we ended up being suspended. My webhost tried to restore the backup but the database is still compromised. I am gonna try to restore an old database backup. 

In the meantime, I have set up a new PRN forum for us to enjoy. Sorry for any confusion and I will continue to try and get PRO back up.
So I thought the problem was fixed a few days back and took down the redirect.It didn't last so I put the redirect back on. I was gonna upload a copy of the old database. But its probably better if I just do the fresh install and import the dstabase that way.
It looks like the other board has been behaving for quite a long time. I checked it out awhile ago as well as pretty recently and it appears that it has been behaving.

You can get to the other board through this link https://pro-board.org/index.php