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Power Rangers Morphinverse (Thunder) |
Posted by: zabitan - 08-10-2019, 07:49 AM - Forum: Hayley's Cyberspace
- Replies (1)
ower Rangers Thunder
The Mutiny part 1
Written by Justin Best
It was the day of the annual Angel Grove charity road rally. The Rangers were on their ATV getting ready to join up. Jason said, “Man isn’t this great or what?”. Zack agreed, “I know man a great time for a great cause”. Then the other Rangers pulled up.
Billy said, “The weather looks nice for today’s automotive experience”. Kim agreed, “Yeah nothing could ruin this day”. Tommy added “Especially now that Rita, and Zedd are gone. Trini asked, “So Tommy my uncle Tao told us he’s thinking of moving him, and you back to Crossworld City is that true?”.
Tommy replied “Yeah on one hand I can’t wait to see my old friends back home but at the same time I like it here with you guys, and I don’t want to be gone if Rita, and Zedd come back or someone new shows up”. Jason said, “Hey man no matter what happens we’ll be okay”.
Just then five more ATVs showed up, and the rider took off their helmets. Two of the riders were Bulk, and Skull while the other three were a young man, and two young women. Bulk bragged “Hey Dweebazoids take a good look at the team that is going to win this year’s road rally. Me, Skull Randy Chloe, and Laurie are going to take home the trophy, and you guys are going to eat dirt”.
Billy replied, “Come on you guys this supposed to be for charity”, Zack agreed, “Besides you guys couldn’t win a race to the grocery store”. Randy retorted “You guys are the charity cases around here”. Chloe agreed “Yeah we’re going to cream you guys at this race.”
Then Bulk, and the other put their helmets back on as Bulk bragged “See you later losers”, and they laughed as they drove off. Tommy said, “Man so much for having a good time”. Kim assured “Don’t worry about them lets just enjoy the race”. Trini agreed “Yeah it’s not like anything else can go wrong.
Meanwhile on the moon a red light teleported into the moon palace and materialized as Lord Zedd’s physical form. Lord Zedd then said “So those pesky Rangers are having a race. Well why don’t I plant a spike in their tires. But first things first”.
Lord Zedd pointed his finger in the sky and fired a laser. Out in space Rita was singing “100 bottles of slime on the wall 100 bottles of slime” when the laser hit their space prison causing it to fly back towards the moon at seemingly impossible speed.
Rita cried “What the zynthor is going on?” Squatt replied “I hope we didn’t hit a black hole or something”. Goldar then said “Lord Zedd must still be alive and is taking as back to the palace with his magic”.
“Then the space prison landed in the balcony of the palace, and Zedd fired another laser which opened the prison, and released Rita and her minions.
Lord Zedd then looked at his minions and yelled “You incompetent morons I gave you one simple mission to destroy Earth, and the Power Rangers you even had the power of Cyclopsis on your side, and you still lost”. Zedd looked at Rita and said, “Especially you Rita you had the Green Ranger, and our son, and you lost both of them”.
“Please forgive us all heinous one” Rita pleaded. Zedd replied “No I’m done giving you chances”. Then Zedd zapped Rita with a laser, and teleported her back into the space prison, and shot it again to send it back into space as Rita screamed “No please Zeddy give me another chance noooo” as the prison flew off into the deepest regions of space.
Zedd’s minions cowered except for Goldar who just bragged “I knew her plans wouldn’t work oh hideous one.” Zedd scoffed “Ahh Goldar selling out other to save your own skin I knew you were as smart as you are strong. Now we must enact my plan that is sure to destroy Zordon, and his goody goody Ranger once and for all”.
“What is it oh evil one?” Babboo asked. Zedd gloated “All in bad time my mutant miscreants but first I’ll create some putties, and a monster to distract the Rangers at their little race”. Finster picked up when he heard this “splendid idea my lord I’ll get to work right away”.
Zedd bragged “No need for that Finster I brought some of my own”. Then Zedd fired white lightning from his hands that materialized as a small squadron of black humanoid figures that had white faces with red lips, white hands, and white upside down triangle like markings with red neck ties.
Lord Zedd gloated “Behold my Z putties made from super putty that has absorbed large quantities of dark magic. they’ll be sure to give the Ranger quite the rude awakening. Now go my fiendish creations and crush those troublesome teenagers.” Then the Z putties teleported away in red energy.
At the command center the alarms went off. Alpha cried out “Aye ye ye what’s going on now?”. Zordon answered “There seems to be a new surge of dark magic from the moon”. Alpha replied “But how? Rita’s imprisoned, and Zedd was destroyed”. Zordon answered “Perhaps he survived somehow in which case we should alert the Rangers to the new threat”.
At the race the Rangers were driving their ATVs when they heard their communicators go off. They drove to where they knew no one was looking, and Jason answered “Zordon we read you”. Zordon explained “Rangers Alpha and I detected a strong surge of dark magic. Rita, and or Zedd may have returned be on guard”.
Just then the Z Putties teleported in front of the Rangers. “I think we found them Zordon” Zack said. “These clay brains look even creepier than usual” Kim cried out. Zordon warned “Watch out Rangers these may be a new breed of Super Putty created by Zedd to be even more powerful than the previous Super Putties”.
The Rangers then punched and kicked the Z Putties, but the Z Putties kept punching, and kicking back. Zack cried out “Man they even hit harder too”. Tommy assured him “Come on you guys we can do it if we work together”.
Then Tommy knocked a few of the Z Putties with a flying kick. Trini, and Kimberly did some back flips into some more Z Putties. Zack, and Billy were punching, and kicking some Z putties when the Z Putties charged at them, and Billy, and Zack tricked them into knocking into each other.
Then the Rangers circled the remaining Z putties and Jason cried out “Lets do this, guys”. and all at once the Rangers kicked the remaining Z Putties into each other knocking them out. The Z Putties then disappeared in red energy. Zack said, “Man those guys were tougher than usual”. Jason replied, “I’ve got a feeling this is just starting”.
At the moon palace Zedd yelled “So those Pathetic Rangers defeated my putties but I’m just warming up”. Zedd then looked at where the road rally was still going on and saw the trophy for the race. Zedd said “Perfect I’ll destroy the Rangers with the very prize they were hoping to win. Pipebrain arise”.
Zedd shot out some more white lighting which hit the trophy at the road race when no one was looking and teleported away leaving some green slime. Principle Caplan looked at it and grumbled “Is this one of Bulk and Skull’s pranks?”.
The trophy then reappeared in Angel Grove as a humanoind gold monster made of various pipes, and tentacles with a mouth full of sharp teeth on one tentacle and a single human like eye in the middle of his head. The monster was playing with a yoyo when he said “I’m ready serve you oh great Zedd”.
Zedd then ordered “Pipebrain I want you to capture all the children in Angel Grove that way when those pesky do gooders try to stop us you’ll crush them”. Pipebrain said “With pleasure oh evil one” and extended out the various tentacles on his body. Throughout the city little kids were playing when Pipebrain’s tentacles emerged from the ground, and pulled them in.
At the Command Center the alarms started going off again. The viewing globe showed Pipebrain abducting children all over Angel Grove. Alpha cried out “Aye ye ye Zedd’s created another monster”. Zordon responded “Hurry alert the Rangers at once”.
The communicators went off again, and Jason asked, “What is it Zordon?”. Zordon answered, “Rangers Lord Zedd has created a monster from the road rally trophy that is going around Angel Grove abducting children you must stop it at once”.
Jason cried out “It’s Morphin time”. Then the Rangers cried out “Dragon”, “Mastodon”, “Pterodactyl”, “Triceratops”, “Saber tooth tiger” and “Tyrannosaurus”, and teleported to where Pipebrain was. Zack mocked “Okay you overgrown paper weight let those kids go or we’ll drop you in the recycle bin”.
Pipebrain mocked back “I like to see you try Rangers” then launched his tentacles at the Rangers which picked them up and threw them around. Billy said, “Maybe our blade blasters would work”. Tommy agreed “It’s worth a shot”, and the Rangers fired their blade blasters at Pipebrain.
The Rangers and Pipebrain started punching and kicking each other. Then Pipebrain fired lasers from the mouth on his tentacle so the Rangers summoned their power weapons, and slashed and stabbed at Pipebrain.
At the moon palace Lord Zedd was watching the battle and said “So the Rangers think they can defeat Pipebrain that easily, we’ll I’ll just have to give him an unfair advantage”. Lord Zedd then materialized a silver orb with a smaller orb attached in his hand and threw it at Earth.
Pipebrain grabbed the orb and said, “All right Rangers now for the final lap” and threw the orb on the ground creating an explosion that caused Pipebrain to grow into a giant. Pipebrain proceeded to rampage across Angel Grove.
The Ranger then called out “We need Dinozord power now” and Tommy played the flute on his dragon dagger. One by one the Rangers’ zords appeared, and the Rangers jumped into their cockpits. Jason said, “All right you guys let’s put a dent in this creep” and the other Rangers replied “Right”.
The Tyrannosaur, Pterodactyl, Triceratops, and Saber Tooth Tiger zords fired lasers at Pipebrain but Pipebrain just laughed and said “That tickles. It’s that the best you got Rangers”. The Dragonzord then fired a volley of missiles at Pipebrain but once again they didn’t seem to even phase him.
Jason called out “We need Megazord power now”. The Dinozords then combined to form the Megazord which proceeded to fire lasers at Pipebrain but to no effect. Zack cried out “Man nothing’s even phasing this guy”.
The Rangers all called out “We need Ultrazord power now”. Titanus the carrierzord appeared and merged with the Megazord, and the Dragonzord to become the Ultrazord. The Rangers then cried out “All weapons fire”, and the Ultrazord fired on Pipebrain but once again nothing seemed to happen.
Pipebrain laughed and said, “Here Rangers let me show you how it’s done” and fired a volley of lasers at the Utlrazord that caused it to explode sending the Rangers plummeting down to the ground. Billy cried out “Oh no the Zords” as the Ultrazord separated back into the various zord components and exploded right before the Rangers eyes.
At the Moon Palace Zedd and his minions where laughing and gloating. Squatt cheered “Yeah Lord Zedd we finally got rid of the Ranger”. Zedd smirked and said, “Oh the worst is yet to come watch this”. Then one by one the Zords seemed to disappear into red energy.
Lord Zedd said “Now that I took care of the Zords it’s time to take care of the Rangers themselves”. Goldar asked “How are you going to that my lord”. Lord Zedd replied “Easy with these” then Lord Zedd fired lasers from his hand that materialized as six candle holders that were holding red green black blue yellow and pink candles.
“And this” Zedd continued as he materialized a light green crystal in his hands. Zedd then yelled “Behold the dark power crystal. When these six candles drain the Rangers powers they will go into this crystal and be mine forever”.
Then Zedd ordered “Now Goldar go to Earth and take the Rangers to my dark dimension so that we can begin the next phase of my horribly wonderful evil plan” Goldar replied “Yes oh wicked one it shall be done at once” as he disappeared in orange flames.
Goldar appeared in Angel Grove and Kim taunted “What do want now fur face?”. Tommy agreed “Yeah what did you do to out Zords?”. Goldar mocked “Nothing as bad as what master Zedd is going to do to you” and proceed to fire energy bolts at the Rangers that caused them to teleport.
The Rangers appeared in Zedd’s dimensional prison inside cage. Trini asked “What’s Zedd up to now?”. Zack replied, “Nothing good I bet”. Then Goldar appeared and said “Welcome Rangers Zedd’s got a nasty surprise for you” as the six candles appeared in the dark dimension.
Tommy yelled out “Oh no the green candle”. Jason added “And he’s got some more for the rest of us”. Goldar gloated “Yes Rangers soon these candles will drain your powers and they will belong to Lord Zedd. The Rangers looked down and realized their power coins were missing.
“Looking for these?” Goldar gloated. Kim cried out “Oh no our power coins”. Then Goldar placed each of the Rangers coins on the candles and said “Now oh horrible one you need only cast the spell and I will light the candles”
Lord Zedd then bellowed out "Mashak Rasha Shamba candles drain the Ranger’s powers”. Then Goldar took the coins and crushed them with his bare hands bragging “You won’t need these anymore Rangers”. Then he lit the candles which started draining the Rangers’ powers as he laughed maniacally.
At the Command Center Zordon and Alpha were watching the Rangers on the viewing globe. Alpha cried out “Aye ye ye Zordon Lord Zedd has the Rangers in his dark dimension and is draining their powers”.
Zordon assured Alpha “Don’t worry Alpha we just have to get a lock on the Rangers and teleport them back to the Command Center then we can”. But before Zordon could finish the lights in the Command Center flickered off and back on as white electronic forcefield surrounded the Command Center.
At Zedd’s palace Zedd gloated “Zordon you pathetic old fool do you think I didn’t think you would try to interfere with my diabolical plan think again”. Zedd continued “Now while the candles are draining the Rangers’ powers and that fool Zordon and his bucket of bolts are trapped it’s time for the next step of my plan”.
Scorpina asked “What is it your vileness?”. Zedd replied “Simple I just need to find five teenagers every bit as mean and nasty as Zordon’s little sickingly sweet pipsqueaks are nice and cuddly”. Finster asked “But where will you find such teenagers my lord?”
Meanwhile back at the road rally Bulk and his friends were lost. Bulk yelled out “Wait stop”. When all five of them had stopped he yelled “We’ve been driving around the same spot for an hour now which one of you lame brains got us lost?”
Skull said “It wasn’t me it must have been Randy” Randy yelled back “Yeah right numbskull it was you. You couldn’t find sand at the beach”. Cindy said, “Are you sure it wasn’t Laurie she was the one who said this was the way”. Laurie retorted “Look who’s talking Ms. Slowpoke”. Then five of them started yelling at each other indistinctly.
Lord Zedd was watching them and said, “Look at them arrogant self-centered disrespectful they’re perfect”. Then one by one Bulk and his friends were teleported away from the road rally and appeared in Zedd’s palace.
Bulk cried out “What in the world just happened?” Randy yelled “Yeah man, where are we?”. Cindy agreed “If we don’t get answers someone’s getting creamed” They then looked around and saw Zedd and his minions them proceed to huddle up and scream.
Zedd laughed and said, “Perfect that’s just what I want from my warriors”. Skull asked, “Warriors who’s warriors?”. Laurie agreed “Yeah we like a good fight but what makes you think we’ll work for you?”. Lord Zedd replied “Oh I have my ways” then shot them with purple lightning that caused their eyes to glow purple as they said monotonously “Hail Lord Zedd”.
Lord Zedd gloated “Ahh that’s what I want to hear”. Then he turned to Finster Squatt and Baboo and ordered “I want you three to work on repairing and reprogramming the remains of the Rangers’ Zords into my new Dark Zords for my new Rangers”. Finster replied “Understood oh wicked one” and the three of them walked off.
Zedd then ordered “Now Goldar speed up the process of the candles”. Goldar replied “As you wish master” and pushed the candles on the ground causing a fire that was speeding up the melting of the candles until they were completely gone and the Rangers demorphed.
At Zedd’s palace one by one six beams of light in red green black blue yellow and pink entered Zedd’s dark power crystal. Zedd laughed maniacally with glee. “Yes yes” he cried out “I will finally have my revenge on Zordon and crush that pathetic planet.
Zedd then ordered “Goldar take the Rangers to the outside of my palace I want them to see what I have in store personally”. Goldar replied, “It shall be done my lord” and teleported himself and the Rangers out of the dark dimension.
The Rangers then found themselves in the desert on the moon trapped in an electron forcefield. Jason asked, “Oh man where are we now?”. Tommy pointed at the moon palace and replied, “I think I know where”. Kim said “Great Zedd’s palace”.
Zedd appeared and said “Ah welcome Rangers I’m glad you could come. You probably want to know what I did to you powers and Zords. Well to answer the first one”. Zedd then teleported Bulk and his friends to his location.
Jason asked, “Bulk what are you guys doing here?”. Zedd answered “I’m glad you asked Red Ranger I’ve turd these puny punks into a better stronger and darker version of what you five once where. Zordon picked five teenagers who embodied humanities greatest virtues to become Power Rangers and defend the Earth”.
Zedd continued “So I found five teenagers of my own who embodied humanities greatest faults and transformed them into my own personal team of Dark Rangers completely under my control to destroy it as my ultimate revenge on Zordon”
One by one Bulk and the others each received a pair of black wrist mounted devices. Zedd called out “Now my Dark Rangers show these powerless pests what true power is.” Bulk and the others then raised their arms and pulled out the keys on one device and inserted them in the other.
Randy called out “Lion”, Cindy called out “Phoenix”, Skull called out “Unicorn”, Laurie called out “Griffin”, and finally Bulk called out “Dragon”. Then they were surrounded in green pink blue yellow and red flames that each formed a Ranger suit around them,
Zack cried out “Oh no”. Zedd boasted “Yes behold the Dark Rangers powered by your powers and the dark power crystal they are the ultimate warriors of darkness and evil. And they will destroy your pitiful planet starting with you”. Then Zedd and his minions laughed maniacally while the former Ranger could only watch in despair”.
To be continued
Disney Death |
Posted by: MattZoey - 07-07-2019, 05:38 PM - Forum: Hayley's Cyberspace
- Replies (2)
Sad to report this but Disney had a death in their acting family.
Cameron Boyce (Jessie, Descendants) passed away in his sleep last night at the age of 20. He died as a result of a seizure
Godzilla King of The Monsters |
Posted by: zabitan - 07-03-2019, 12:05 AM - Forum: Hayley's Cyberspace
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Short story: I liked it, it was cool to see all the monster. I even actually liked the human plot with the device that can talk to monsters.
Long story: I thought Scylla, and Methuselah were cool but part of me wondered why they weren't just Kumonga, and Anguirus .
I did like Behemoth because I don't think there are many mammal monsters besides King Kong, and King Caesar.
I thought the part where Ghidorah regrew his head was kind of freaky because it made him look Cthulhu esque while it was regrowing.
I got a chuckle out of hearing the cussing because I still remember when I thought Godzilla 2000 had the most cussing in a Godzilla movie.
I liked the scene with the ancient civilization that worshipped Godzilla because I always want to see something like that in a Godzilla movies
I'm hoping either Godzilla vs Kong or if they're still making them afterwards some other Legendary movie will bring in other alien monsters like Gigan.
or maybe we'll get Destroyer but instead of being a bunch of prehistoric plankton all merged together it could be some Nucler Man/Frankenstein esque Godzilla/Ghidorah hybrid created from stray cells mutating together from when Godzilla, and Ghidorah were hit by the Oxygetn Destroyer.
VR Troopers What If?s |
Posted by: zabitan - 06-27-2019, 07:43 PM - Forum: Hayley's Cyberspace
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Since there's a thread about Power Rangers What if?s I thought about VR Troopers having one as well.
I'll start with some obvious ones.
What if they went with the original idea of Cybertron with or without Jason David Frank, and Spielban, and Shaider would be their own shows?
What if Jason David Frank did VR Troopers but it was still the VR Troopers we did get except instead of Ryan Steele it had JDF as Tommy Oliver, and everything that was about Ryan on VR Troopers was about Tommy?
What if VR Troopers had a movie like Power Rangers?
VR Troopers Morphinverse concepts |
Posted by: zabitan - 06-27-2019, 07:39 PM - Forum: Hayley's Cyberspace
- Replies (1)
Now it's time for my take on VR Troopers which is set in the same universe as my version of Power Rangers.
VR Troopers season 1(Metalder, Spielban): After losing his Green Ranger powers for good Tommy, and Tao return to Crossworld City where Tommy reunites with his best friends Kaitlin Scott, and JB Reese when they get a message from Professor Hart, and go to his secret lab where they discover that Tommy's long lost father Tyler Oliver was captured by an evil mutant warlord called Grimlord, and that they must use the incredible powers created by Tommy's father, and Professor Hart to become superheroes known as the VR Troopers to stop Grimlord's army of Bio-mechanical mutant cyborgs from conquering both reality, and Virtual Reality.
VR Troopers season 2(Shaider, Spielban, Juspion): Tommy has finally rescued his father at the cost of his VR Trooper powers, and Grimlord has used the knowledge from Tommy's father to create new, and more powerful mutants to conquer reality. Now Tyler, and the Trooper must find a way to restore Tommy's powers in order to stop Grimlord's new mutants.
VR Troopers season 3(Shaider, Spielban, Juspion, Sharivan, Gavan): Grimlord has used knowledge of Virtual Reality stolen from Tyler's teacher Dr. Jacobson to further upgrade his mutants in order to defeat the Troopers for good. However Tommy has a chance encounter with a young man named David Trueheart who turns out to be Tommy's long lost brother. Now the Troopers must enlist David's help if they are to finally defeat Grimlord once, and for all.
Tommy being the hero of VR Troopers instead of Ryan Steele is meant to be a reference to how Jason David Frank was almost a proto version of Ryan named Adam Steele on the proto version of VR Troopers called Cybertron.
It's also the same reason in my version of Power Ranger Ryan Steele is the White Ranger when Power Rangers uses Dairanger footage.
All New All That Episode 1 Discussion |
Posted by: MattZoey - 06-17-2019, 03:35 AM - Forum: Hayley's Cyberspace
- Replies (1)
This was a pretty good first episode that we got last night. Reece's Billy Ray Cyrus and someone's Adam Sandler impressions weren't the best but I thought Gabby did great with her Beyonce impression and Nathan also did a great job with his Ariana Grande impression. The person doing a Nick Cannon impression was also great.
We got a Vital Information sketch with Lori Beth as the Host who passed the baton or torch off to 1 of the new ladies
We got a Goodburger sketch with Kel as Ed.
Marie Kiddo was hilarious.
*Marie destroys cabinet with plates inside of it*
Danielle (will shorten it to Dani just to save time) "My Mom is gonna kill me."
Marie: "that's too bad, do you not bring her joy?" (any time Dani said something didn't bring her joy, Marie ended up destroying it)
Dani: "No no, I think I do"
Marie: "then you should be fine"
New info |
Posted by: MattZoey - 06-09-2019, 09:20 PM - Forum: Command Center
- Replies (1)
I'll provide a link to the source later on since I'm watching them at the moment but I just wanted to share info regarding RPM since it sounds as if Dr. K will be coming back but we currently have no details as to whether she'll be bringing any of her Ranger Operators with her
Power Rangers Morphinverse Concepts |
Posted by: zabitan - 06-08-2019, 09:59 PM - Forum: Hayley's Cyberspace
- Replies (2)
So I made an updated list of what I would call my fan made Power Rangers versions of pre-Zyu Man era Super Sentai shows.
GoRanger-Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (since in my Morphinverse stories MMPR is called Power Rangers Dino: 20 million years ago the first Ranger team composed of Zordon, and his allies from various planets protect the universe from his evil brother Zoltar/Dark Spector.
JAKQ-Power Rangers Royal Flush: A government agency recruits various people from various backgrounds to wear special suits to battle the evil Machine Empire. Commander Mitchell is Spade Ace.
Battle Fever J-Power Rangers World Strike: A sequel to Royal Flush in that the Pink Ranger from that team is also the Pink Ranger of that team in which the international version of Royal Flush’s agency recruits members from around the world to stop Dark Spector from invading Earth.
Denjiman-Power Rangers Shine Force: Set 15 million years ago Zordon now retired from being a ranger leads a new team of Rangers who protect an Eltarian space colony on Earth from the evil queen Pollutica. Demon King Benkei is Master Vile.
Sun Vulcan-Power Rangers Nature Fist: The ancient civilization of Jungala recruits three of it’s most powerful warriors to battle the evil alien overlord Balkor, and a revived Pollutica.
GoggleV-Power Rangers Five Star: A young Andrew Hartford, and his friends must protect the powerful Vor crystals from the evil Dr. Vorstien, and his bio-mechanical mutants.
Dynaman-Power Rangers Legendary Voyage: The second season of Five Star in which the Five Star rangers must upgrade their powers to stop a newly upgraded Vorstien, and his new super mutants.
Bioman-Power Rangers Star Force: Various random people discover that they are the sole survivors of a destroyed planet, and with the help of a robot from their destroyed homeworld they must use their powers to stop Lord Nexus the galactic tyrant who destroyed their world
Changeman-Power Rangers Mythic Fury: Lord Nexus is revived by his own master the cosmic abomination Darklor to continue his conquest of Earth forcing the Star Force Rangers to combine their powers with those of the Earth itself, and mystical creatures to stop him.
Flashman-Power Rangers Giga Strike: A piece of Darklor survives, and mutates into a new Darklor joined by a new minion Dr Splicer to once again conquer the Earth forcing the Mythic Fury Rangers to combine their powers with the remnants of their home planet to save the Earth one last time.
Maskman-Power Rangers Solaris Crusade: Five hundred years in the future the beautiful Princess Corona is kidnapped by the evil mutant warlord Strontion forcing five of the surface’s bravest warriors to save her.
Liveman-Power Rangers Beast Assault: Thousands of years ago in what is now called the Lost Galaxy three young warriors from Mirinoi join forces with an Edenite super robot to battle evil space pirates.
Turboranger-Power Rangers High Octane: Five members of an amateur racing team are recruited by a good alien named Grpyhiton to protect Earth from the alien tyrant Xylos who plans to conquer it.
Fiveman-Power Rangers Earth Defense Force: A sequel to High Octane in which the High Octane Rangers must upgrade their powers when the evil empress Bourialla, and her minions want to conquer Earth.
Jetman-Power Rangers Sky Patrol: The heroic alien warrior Aquilus is the sole survivor of the planet Talos destroyed by the evil Dementio empire. Aquilus finds four Earthlings, and gives them the powers of the ancient protectors of his planet enabling the five of them to protect the Earth.
I don’t really have much besides concepts, and pitches so I’m still working on who the characters would be but I do know that I would probably make Midori Ranger, Jack Dia, Battle Cossack, Denji Yellow, Vul Shark, Goggle Yelow, Dyna Yellow, Green Sai, and Turbo Yellow women in my stories.
Also names of both characters, and seasons could change if I think of anything better like Dynaman could be Mega Assault since I'm thinking of calling my version of Gokaiger Legendary Voyage.